A Pulse of Its Own

September 19, 2005 | 826 Blog Post

I certainly missed tutoring, and the first day was a wild success. It is good to be around creative, young minds, and to be able to give them the help and attention that they can’t always get. One can easily tell by their beaming faces and inquisitiveness that they appreciate having someone dedicated to helping them achieve their goals.

This place is beginning to have a pulse of its own. I turn my back for a moment and there is a new face, a new personal touch here and there, a new piece of writing from another smiling student. Amazing things are taking form, and it is a thrill to be witness to it.

Don’t you want to get involved? Tutoring brings beautiful karmic rainbows. Try it. Email me at john@826michigan.org.

On another note, we need to get our new and lovely Executive Director, Erin, to San Francisco so she can meet with 826 National. This is very important. The future of 826 rests upon this. I mean, you like kids, don’t you? So donate frequent flyer miles (sometimes frequent flyer miles come on green pieces of paper, sometimes referred to as “money,” or multicolored pieces of paper, also known as “checks”) and help us help you! By going to National, Erin can learn all the tricks of the trade, the ins and outs, and up to a hundred other clever clichés. And that will alleviate mass amounts of stress from poor Erin’s brainbox. Right now, it fills up so quickly she has to manually drain it at least twice a day.

Are you having a wonderful day? Please do.

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