Every Tuesday, here at 826, all summer long, we’ll have drop-in
writing sessions from 3:30-5pm. Students, volunteers, writers,
parents, teachers, poets, and any other interested parties are invited
in to spend ninety minutes a week working through different writing
exercises and prompts.
The idea is this: get a roomful of writers of all ages together, toss
out a couple of different writing activities, and see what happens.
Participants can work in groups or individually, quietly or loudly,
poetically or fictitiously, joyously or grumpily, and all points in
between these, but always, always creatively.
The hope is that at the end of the summer we’ll be able to put
together a zine or some sort of little book highlighting the great
work this group has done.
Join us, starting Tuesday, June 20, at 3:30, for The Let’s See
What Happens When a Bunch of Writers Get Together (in an Inspired
Setting) and Write Group (Working Title; You’re Welcome to Bring Your
Own Ideas).
Updated: each session will be divided thus:
- The Let’s See What Happens When a Bunch of Writers Get Together (in an Inspired Setting) and Write Group (Working Title): with Amy, ages nine and up, with writing exercises and activities from 3:30-4:30, and quiet writing time until 5.
- Kids’ Summer Lite Write: with Holly, ages eight and under, with stories and activities from 3:30-4:30.
You don’t need to register, just show up. If you have any questions,
contact Amy.
Credit where credit is due: it was 826Chicago’s idea, or at least the
seed of it was.