For Those of You Who Like to See Your Name in Print

December 4, 2007 | 826 Blog Post

This winter-into-spring, 826michigan is excited to offer three (count ‘em, three!) “at large” publishing opportunities for young writers.

  1. MEGAWORKSHOP MEGAchapbook (almost certain to be titled something else)

    This December, we’re hosting drop-in writing time Monday through Thursday from 6-7pm December 3-20. Students who participate in the MEGAWORKSHOP (come to one session or all twelve, it’s up to you!) are eligible for publication in the MEGAWORKSHOP MEGAchapbook. For details, come to the MEGAWORKSHOP! (And thanks to Chrissy, who kicked off the MEGAWORKSHOP with several stellar exercises last night!)

  2. A Contest!
    826michigan has teamed up with Lloyd Hall Scholars at UM to create an annual contest. Submit your essays, fiction, nonfiction, comics, poetry, and more to the LHSP Arts & Literary Journal. Three winners will be chosen, and those students will be published in the journal!

  3. The 826michigan Review! (as per usual, tentatively titled)
    Have you written something at (or because of) 826michigan that you’re really proud of? Submit it to The 826michigan Review, our yearly publication of all the fantastic work that comes out of our programs! Workshops, tutoring, in-schools, field trips: all of our programs are eligible for publication!

    See your name in print! Amaze your friends and family! Feel like a celebrity at the release parties!

    To submit work (or ask questions), email

Entries for #2 and #3 must include: which publication you are submitting to, your name, age, address, school, phone number, and email address.

Entries for LHSP Arts & Literary Journal must be received by March 1. Entries for The 826michigan Review must be received by May 1.

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