This April, we celebrate the Galens Medical Society for its much needed and substantial contribution to transportation funds in support of our Field Trips program. The Galens Medical Society has existed for more than a century to not only bridge the gap between medical students and medical faculty, but to also make a social impact in the local community through charitable endeavors.
826michigan was awarded $6,000 to expand our innovative Field Trips program to schools in Washtenaw County currently excluded from this unique writing education opportunity due to school bus rental costs. We are thrilled to put the funds to use introducing entirely new classrooms in new school communities.
The $6,000 gift from Galens Medical Society is especially notable because students in low-opportunity neighborhoods and schools that exist a car drive away from our program sites in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are often unable to receive any of our services. By eliminating the concerns about field trip transportation costs for teachers and school administrators, hundreds more students will be able to apply the reading and writing curriculum from their classrooms in practical and super fun field trip scenarios in 826michigan’s writing lab. And, in that being able to apply learning outside of the classroom is critical to retaining acquired knowledge, we are delighted that Galens Medical Society has donated funds in a nontraditional way to increase the impact of our already effective programming.
Thank you, Galens Medical Society! We are pleased to honor you as Supporter of the Month!