Let Us Help You With Your Spring Cleaning!

June 4, 2007 | 826 Blog Post

Have you stopped going into your basement because there’s too much stuff you don’t want to deal with down there? Do some of your closets have to be manipulated in order to close?

Give all your old clothes, books, furniture, and assorted hoo-ha to 826!

That’s right, we’re having another rummage sale this year, our second annual. And right now, we’re taking donations right at 826. So stuff your car full of those plates you never use anymore, those DVDs you got as gifts, and those clothes you don’t wear, and bring it all in to us!

The rummage sale will happen Friday, July 20, 10am-5pm; Saturday, July 21, 10am-5pm; and Sunday, July 22, 12pm-5pm. Hope to see you there!

(Click to enlarge!)

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