My Friends, It Was Something To See.

September 8, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

I’m happy to tell you that the benefit show we had at the Blind Pig last night was a smashing success. We made almost double what was made at our last benefit there, back in February. The place was packed! I was told by the manager that it was the biggest Thursday night they’d had in quite some time: three hundred people came! We raised lots and lots of money, which will be put toward the contruction of the Monster Store, opening the end of October.

Many thanks to the Blind Pig, Frontier Ruckus, Rescue, Chris Bathgate & Co., and Canada! Thanks to Sarah Schaefer for helping to put the whole thing together. And thanks also must go to our many wonderful volunteers, who showed up last night en masse, many of whom were wearing ties.

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