826michigan and Educators – What You Need To Know

826michigan partners with educators to support and supplement their writing curriculum with fun, unique activities and prompts—at no cost to participating schools. 

Bring 826michigan to your students with an in-person program or with our virtual teacher resources. We partner with teachers every year to bring these opportunities into K-12 classrooms across Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Ypsilanti. Explore our programs and find the right fit for your classroom! 

Why Writing

Our programs focus on writing because we believe that with fun and creative writing outlets, students improve their academic performance, develop a sense of belonging, and discover the value and power of their own unique and individual voices.

Collaboration Opportunities

Every young writer’s needs are different, so 826michigan offers a variety of ways to share the power of writing to your classroom! Learn more about our writing and educational programs.

Additional resources

For more educational resources, please visit:

Ann Arbor District Library

Detroit Public Library

Ypsilanti District Library

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