This Just In!

December 13, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Happy parents abound at 826!

I just wanted to let you know that 826 has been an invaluable tool to me as a parent. My daughter Anah was having trouble getting up in the morning to go to school. Since we started going to 826, she is easily encouraged to get up because my answer to “Is it a Monster 826 day?” is a YES! She says she loves to go to school because of going to 826 after school! She reads everyone her stories on the ride home, at the dinner table, and makes copies of her stories for her teacher and grandparents. It is a wonderful thing to have her so excited about writing. Thank you so much for inspiring her creativity.


I’ll be honest, we get letters like this fairly frequently, but we’ve already had such a warm-and-fuzzy day on the blog I thought I’d add this one as well!

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