Tutoring: It's ON!

January 19, 2007 | 826 Blog Post

This past Wednesday, we started up tutoring, and the dust has just settled. You see, it’s been quiet for several studentless weeks here. Unsettlingly quiet. So we were relieved when, midweek, we were greeted by the old gang of tutors and students, with a couple of new faces thrown in. Feryal, a regular, told us that her grades had been “totally saved” by 826.

From the look of it, tutoring is better than ever this semester! We are in the process of organizing volunteer-led writing workshops in the Writers’ Wing of the lab for students when they finish their homework. Emily and Ridley led a variety of writing exercises yesterday, and, from the sounds of excitement floating down the hall, I’d say the first day was a success. On Monday, we’ll begin our 826 pen-pal project. 826michigan students, when they’ve finished their schoolwork, will have an opportunity to write letters to 826 students in New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago.

Furthermore, this coming Thursday, we’ll continue our partnership with SOS Community Services. SOS is a non-profit agency which provides 24-hour crisis counseling, short term emergency and transitional housing for homeless families with children, and an emergency food pantry. Each Thursday, they bring 20 students in for tutoring at 826. We look forward to seeing everyone next week!

Many thanks to our dedicated and talented tutors for making this program something we should all feel very proud of! Special thanks to Blake for agreeing to “be” Erin while she is out on maternity leave.

We’ll leave you with a teaser: Next Friday, we’ll be releasing the “second wave” of workshops!

Abbie and Lee work together on math homework Thursday. (Wednesday, Abbie started a story called “The Charmbuckets” with Bison. The first installment was borderline brilliant, and we can’t wait to see how it ends!)

This is what “getting down to work” looks like. Emily and Ridley led a variety of writing exercises on Thursday.

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