Coming Soon to an 826michigan Website Near You: Winter Workshops.

January 12, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

Okay, okay, okay. If you have EVER read this blog, you know that we are OFTEN excited, particularly around the time of a new workshop schedule’s release. We tell you, every semester, that this one is the best, that it offers the sweetest workshops in existence, and that it will blow each and every one of your minds.

But this time is different.

Because this time it really IS the best workshop schedule we’ve ever put together. It really DOES offer the sweetest workshops in existence, and it really, truly WILL blow your mind.

Teasers? You betcha. Standards like My Life as a Robot, the 826michigan Gazette, and Puppy Poems. Oft-requested returns like What If?, and Rachel and Sheera’s newest offering, Poetry Surprise. And lots and lots of new experiments with incredible names, such as How The Wind Began: Making Myths and Reading Myths and Drawing Myths and MORE, All the Stories in History: Someone’s Telling a Lie — George Washington’s Cherry Tree, The Secrets of Paper Engineering and Pop-ups, 826 Fallout Shelter for the Frog Invasion, Throwing Popcorn: Become a Film Critic of the Ann Arbor Film Festival, Zingo Poetry, and Michigan Radio’s Jennifer Guerra will teach Robot Radio Review. PLUS! This semester we have several offerings for parents of high schoolers, including How to Help Your Teen Prepare for College Writing.

The Winter Workshop Schedule will be posted on our website, here, on Sunday, January 18, at noon exactly. At this time, you can quietly and in a relaxed manner peruse our new offerings. Registration for the workshop schedule begins on our website on Monday, January 19, at 7pm exactly. We’ll see you then!

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