Hallowoof Puppet Show

September 2, 2011 | 826 Blog Post

Hallowoof Puppet Show

Led by Mary Roderique and Colby

Ages: 6-9, 8 students

Tuesday, October 11, 6-7:30pm (one session)

Come co-author a spooky story, make puppets, and perform it as an ensemble!

In this workshop, we’ll put our noggins together to come up with some spooky ideas for a good story. Everyone will get to act or create a puppet for a final performance of our piece! Colby may even wear her bat costume for inspiration! Colby, in case you haven’t met her, is a fabulous black lab service dog who, in addition to being 826michigan’s unofficial mascot, also has many Halloween costumes, including: pig, Yoda, Darth Vader, Sally from Peanuts, ballerina, pumpkin, witch, and robot! Who knows who she’ll show up as!
Workshop participants are encouraged to come in costume if they so choose.

After working as a classroom teacher in New York City and Bloomington, IN, Mary Roderique moved to Ann Arbor for the desirable weather conditions. She works as a Writing Workshop Consultant for teachers in Michigan and Indiana and also works with Colby the Service Dog to lead a Canine Assistants’ National Volunteer group, Noah’s Team of Ann Arbor. Mary and her family enjoy playing round after round of Zingo (under duress) and hosting brunch.

Colby Roderique, a CASE (Canine Assistant Special Educator) dog, has been working in Michigan for five years. She is friendly, flexible, and very furry. She is constantly recognized all over town as a former 826 Volunteer of the Month (May ’09). When not at 826, Colby enjoys napping in the sunny spot by the big picture window at home and reminiscing about being 826 Volunteer of the Month (May ’09), which she still remembers fondly even though no cookie and punch reception was held in her honor for this impressive award.

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