Headed in YOUR Direction.

April 15, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

Warm up your laptops, flex your fingers, get your eyes ready, because coming this Sunday (Sunday Sunday) to this website (website website, it’s an echo, get it? It’s like we’re at a monster truck rally!) is our gregarious and amiable Spring (spring spring) Workshop (workshop workshop) Schedule (schedule schedule, that’s the last one, I SWEAR)!

Ready? Here we go: We’ve got a new workshop where students will write the soundtrack (dialogue, sound effects) to old sci-fi movies. We’ll have a workshop where the famous Todd R. Pebbles will teach students about the ART of the infomercial. Rachel and Sheera are teaching what is sure to be another delightful poetry workshop called If There’s a Sonnet, I’m ON It. We’ve also got a workshop that ENCOURAGES kids to act out, one that will help us elect a new robot president for 826michigan, and more. We’re PRETTY SURE you’re gonna like it.

So: Sunday at noon, we’ll post the workshops. At this time, you can peruse them leisurely and determine the two you want to choose. Then, Monday night, at 7pm, registration (chaos madness onslaught, what an odd echo) opens. Hope to see you there!

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