Help Us Get Our Tutors Where They Need To Go: On Friday, May 18, Vote 826michigan!

May 14, 2012 | 826 Blog Post

We’re about to ask you a big favor. “Big,” that is, in significance to us — it’s pretty small in time and effort on your part.

Will you help us win —

(excuse us while we warm up our best The Price Is Right voices)

— a newwwwwww CAR??

That’s right, folks, 826michigan is in the running for a new car, courtesy of Toyota’s 100 Cars for Good program. On Friday, May 18, we’ll go head-to-head with four other nonprofit organizations. The nonprofit with the most votes at the end of the day wins a new Toyota. And we would really, really, really, REALLY like to be that nonprofit.

What would 826michigan do with a car? So many things. We’d transport Ann-Arbor-based tutors to Ypsilanti, where they are sorely needed at our after-school tutoring program at Ypsilanti Middle School (for another update from YMS, read on!). We’d shuttle In-School Residency volunteers from school to school, where they work one-on-one with struggling students and provide much-needed support for teachers in public school classrooms. We’d expand our reach even further by taking our wonderful field trip volunteers further afield to bring their stunning creativity and style to special programs in Detroit and elsewhere.

In short, this new car would change a lot of things around here, but here’s the bottom line: If we win this Toyota, we will serve more students, in more ways, with more of our signature brand of high-quality, high-energy literacy education.

This matters a lot to us, and here’s how you can help:

  1. Visit and sign up for a reminder e-mail for the morning of 5/18! Find us under the “finalists” tab.
  2. Spread the word!
  3. VOTE. Vote vote vote. Voting begins at 10am on Friday, May 18, and continues till midnight.
  4. Wish us luck. And tell your friends.

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