July 2006 – Lee Gorman

July 1, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Lee Gorman

Lee Gorman
When talking about Lee, we like to start at the beginning. Lee, a member of the Fall ‘05 class of volunteers, showed up for tutor training last September. We’ll be honest: we were a little bit afraid of her. She has a no-nonsense attitude that can be unnerving. She asks tough questions, and looks you right in the eye while you answer.

She left after training that day, and Amy turned to Erin and said, “I don’t think she’s coming back.” Amy’s wrong a lot, and luckily this fell into that category. Lee showed up for tutoring the next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. She became one of our prized tutors, and by the end of the school year had moved up to Point Person any day she came in.

Lee also impressed us when she decided to teach an in-school workshop, “Grammarama!: Homonym Stand-Off.” Let’s just say it was one of the best workshops we’ve ever done, and she ran it like a pro.

Other things you should know about Lee:

  1. She has two dogs who are just wonderful.
  2. She loves to garden, and sometimes brings us gorgeous roses and irises to adorn our desks with.
  3. She makes delicious salsa.
  4. If you need help, she always always always comes through for you. Need a volunteer for an in-school, last minute? Need extra help at tutoring? Lee’s your girl.
  5. She is a master jigsaw puzzler.
  6. “Accounting,” “finance,” and “budget” are not words she runs away from screaming.
  7. She’s very nice, despite how intimidating you may or may not find her at first.

We love her. A whole lot.

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