How to Sing Not Beyoncé Good or Not Like a Troll Bad (For People Who Can Sing Naturally
Adanya Lewis-El
Age 12
Moving Pencils Writing Club
James and Grace Lee Boggs School
Tip #1: Don’t try to sing better than you already do. You’ll just sound like you’re trying too hard and people won’t like your voice.
Tip #2: Do daily voice exercises. Say a couple la-la-las or stretch your mouth open wide a couple of times to get yourself ready to sing.
Tip #3: Avoid songs that are just not your style. If you listen to a time of music a lot, then you’ll be better at singing in that style! If you try to sing something you don’t listen to, you’ll sound like you don’t know what you’re doing.
Tip #4: Find your style. When I say “find your style,” I don’t mean try to sing exactly like a style/person. Listen to a couple of songs. Example, search “R&B” on YouTube and listen to a couple. Then, if you don’t like that style, maybe search Rock, or Pop, or even rap. When you finally get your style, practice singing in that style.
Tip #5: Practice means perfect. If you are either in the car or at home bored, always practice. If you want to perfect a line in a song or even a WHOLE song, sing it over and over, until you get it the way you want it to sound.
Tip #6: Have fun! If you are trying to sing to impress friends or something like that, give up. If you’re not having fun, what’s the point? It’s not a skill you need to graduate. Have fun with it!
P.S. Get compliments from more than five people to see if you are a natural singer. This list is only for natural born singers.
Artwork by Natalie Marion,