Perseverance is something we value very highly here at 826michigan. It is a lesson we learn and relearn almost daily. For instance, when Amy decided that she was going to cryogenically freeze a small blue elephant to the lime-green wall of the Inspiration Room with Goop brand adhesive, did she give up when it fell to the paint-splattered floor again and again? She did not. When Erik and I ventured forth into the aisles of our local Meijer in search of yellow cautionary tape, did we abandon our search when the going got tough? We did not. Well. Erik did not. I was tempted to. But with Erik’s stubborn encouragement, I pushed onward. And, eventually, spied a large roll of HUNTING: NO TRESPASSING tape, which I proposed could be used interchangeably, like a physical synonym. Erik peered at me very skeptically, and then did his own looking and came up with a roll of the proper tape, which I can only assume he found with his superior and potentially X-Ray Capable vision. However, slightly later, when Erik was valiantly attempting to affix a large Batmobile to the Inspiration Room wall with Krazy Glue, did he abandon all hope when the Batmobile refused to stop rolling down the wall on its wheels? He did. But he persevered for a very long time prior to abandoning all hope, and so we will consider his lesson learned.