Programs: Up and At 'Em!

January 14, 2011 | 826 Blog Post

Happy New Year! Happy New Semester! We are up, up, and away, up, up, and running, running on all cylinders, and etc., etc. Programs are back! Programs are now, friends! After a brief programming respite — wherein we had the most lucrative month EVER at the Liberty Street Robot Supply & Repair and the biggest Mittenfest yet — we are BACK.

Tutoring started back up this week, both here at 826michigan and at Ypsilanti Middle School. All four days were bustling, shaking, rattling, and rolling. The Winter Workshop Schedule kicked off this week as well, and all of our illustrious In-school Residencies restarted. We continued our Drop-in Writing programs at both branches of the Ypsilanti Library. (Drop-in Writing here at 826 resumes on Monday, January 24 at 6pm.) Everything is in full swing!

LAST week, we started a new program with our very dear friends at Ozone House. We are helping them put together an Ypsilanti Slam Poetry team. Workshops will happen every Thursday night for the teens at Ozone from now until the Ypsilanti City Slam, and beyond. More on this soon, but I can tell you, for now, Katie Jones was GLOWING and BEAMING and a bunch of other similarly enthusiastic descriptors.

That’s it…for now. In the weeks to come, we will REGALE you with tales from all of the previously mentioned programs. We’ll WOW you with full color photos! We’ll INVITE you to any number of delightful events (ahem, for example, our Spelling Bee for Cheaters, featuring Dave Eggers — details soon)! I’m not gonna lie to you (mostly because there’s no reason to): We are feeling PRETTY GREAT about 2011 here at 826michigan.

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