Adam Kempa!

Again, we must apologize for our PhotoShop skills, or lack thereof, but it is our greatest hope that there is something charming in the hamfistedness of the design.
Speaking of charming, our Volunteer of the Month for September: Adam Kempa! We say a LOT of people are charming around here (and that’s because we mean it!), but Adam’s charm is something different. By which we are trying to say: It’s easy enough to be charming in person. But we’ve only seen Adam in person once. Was he charming during that one in-person meeting? Yes, of course. But that’s hardly the point.
The point IS that it’s hard to come across as “charming” through a series of really-quite-short emails. (Long email conversations? Sure.) But Adam manages to do it.
We met him by way of former Volunteer of the Month Krysta Stone. Adam took over in March for the legendary Scott David Herman, who we could probably not have loved more if he was our own son. (Probably. No one here has a son.) Which is to say: Not an easy person to take over for. And yet, Adam stepped in and with grace and charm, took over all of our website needs.
Adam posts. He designs. He makes sense of emails where the fanciest, most computer-y word the writer knows is “click.” (We are pointing at Amy here.) He makes sense of emails where one says things like, “We want that thing to do the thing where something happens.” (We are paraphrasing here, but we think you get it. We are not “tech-savvy.” We are not proud of it.)
Adam has been a HUGE help to us over the last few months. From posting workshop schedules and blogs to creating new pages and updating existing ones to getting roped into helping out with our Onward Robots store website to making a website for 8/26 Day, and beyond. Way beyond. We’d tell you how far beyond, but we don’t really know the proper words to say, which is to say: They would be computer-y, and very likely misused.
So hey, Adam! We think you are great and super wonderful! Thank you for putting up with us, and helping us with so much! Please don’t ever leave us.