"Snow" Day!

February 11, 2013 | 826 Blog Post

Ann Arbor Public Schools are closed and so are all ON-SITE 826michigan programs for students. There will be no after-school tutoring at 826michigan and Ypsilanti Middle School today. Drop-In Writing programs at 826michigan are canceled.

Because the Ypsilanti District Library is open, Drop-In Writing at YDL will still take place this evening!

826michigan offices and the Liberty Street Supply and Repair are open until 8pm.

All programs will resume as scheduled tomorrow (check our calendar to be sure!). There will be no programs next week (February 18-22) because of Mid-Winter Break.

Here’s some colorful Valentine cheer for a gray winter day!

Dear Gwynneth,
I love you more than
Red Cherry Pie
Orange Marzipan
Yellow Lemondrops
Green Cupcakes
Blue Ice Cream
Purple Grape Sorbet
Alex (age 9)

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