Supporter of the Month: Thomson-Shore, Printers Extraordinaire

November 7, 2011 | 826 Blog Post

We’re excited to announce the first installment in a new series here on the 826michigan blog: Supporter of the Month. Each month, we’ll be highlighting an individual, foundation, or company who has gone above and beyond for us, and who we can never thank enough.

(We thought about committing to write this feature as one long acrostic of the phrase THANK YOU, but chickened out. Maybe in 2012.)

When we sat down to think about who to highlight first, we didn’t have to sit very long. Thomson-Shore, a book manufacturer based out of Dexter, has been supportive of us in so many meaningful ways that it’s hard to enumerate them all.

They’ve sponsored our How To Write Like I Do series of fundraisers, allowing us to work with acclaimed writers like Daniel Alarcon and Rachel DeWoskin to offer writing workshops for the many, many literate adults who tell us, “I wish something like 826 had been around when I was a kid!”.

They fielded not one but TWO teams at last year’s Spelling Bee for Honest Cheaters, Mustachioed Heroes, and Dirty Rotten Spellers, raising money for 826michigan and testing their orthography skills against words like “swarf” and “pamprodactylous” — words so obscure that even spell check doesn’t acknowledge them!

And, perhaps most importantly, they’ve printed our last two publications, 20/20: Visions of the [Near] Future and Don’t Stay Up So Late. And they printed them beautifully. Our volunteers and staff all work hard on each publication, and it can be hard to see a book baby go off to the printers. We’ve learned that we can trust Thomson-Shore to print these books to a professional, high-quality standard every time. This means more to us than we can really say, because each 826michigan publication represents not only OUR hard work but the hard work of our incredible students. Revealing a new publication to its young authors is always one of the high points of our year. Thank you so much, Thomson-Shore, for helping us make that happen, and for everything else you do.

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