VISTA Vision: Jess Dailey

June 13, 2018 | 826 Blog Post

Each year, 826michigan is honored to host several service members through AmeriCorps VISTA, or Volunteers in Service to America. VISTAs make a full-time, year-long commitment to a capacity-building program serving under-resourced communities, and here at 826 we truly couldn’t do what we do without them. This summer, to celebrate the end of another successful service year we’re turning the spotlight on some of our amazing VISTAs and the work they do everyday.

Name: Jess Dailey

The emoji that best represents my personality is… the purple crystal ball 

Before starting at 826 I was. . . finishing up my bachelors degree in Women’s & Gender Studies and Language, Literature & Writing at Eastern Michigan University and working in their Study Abroad department.

At 826michigan I. . . run the Liberty Street Tutoring and Wee-Bots Drop-in Writing programs and help with Washtenaw County field trips.

My typical day looks like. . .so much action! I had programs 5 days a week so a lot of my time was spent prepping for those. I also love to jump in to help others with their programs whenever I can.

I found out about 826michigan. . .when I chose to fulfill my Academic Service Learning hours here for my Literature capstone course at EMU.

A favorite memory I have from my service is. . .working a Screenwriting field trip. The students came up with the most fantastic characters: John Pickle Porter, Big Kelly (a bear), Tam Tam Tater Tot and Hungry Steve (who at one point wanted to eat Tam Tam). I was laughing so hard at one point that I was crying.

One tip I have for 826michigan’s future VISTAs is. . . build in structures for yourself to have planning time. Between programs and various meetings, your time will be spare and precious!

What’s next for me is. . .pursuing my masters degree in Women’s & Gender Studies at EMU.

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