Where Is It Coming From? Detroit!

October 15, 2014 | 826 Blog Post

Where Is It Coming From? cover

Exciting times are upon us, Friends. Our latest publication is written by students of the James and Grace Lee Boggs School in Detroit and it’s being illustrated by Dave Eggers!

Where Is It Coming From? is a heartwarming and hilarious collection of stories written by elementary students at Detroit’s Boggs School, where we run an after-school writing club. It came about serendipitously, after Dave’s participation in kindergarten storytime during his visit to the Boggs School in May 2014. Students in 826michigan’s after-school writing club led storytime with the reading of their pieces for Dave’s visit and their work astounded everyone in the room. To the students’ delight, Dave insisted upon getting print-outs of their work so that he could read the stories to his children at home in California. Inspired by the joy that the work of the Boggs School students spread in his family and the purely original ideas of these remarkable students, Dave decided to get to work on making the stories available to a wider audience. Where Is It Coming From? pairs brash and funny stories written by the 6 to 10 year old members of 826michigan’s writing club with equally anarchic illustrations by Dave Eggers. The book is as sweet and engaging as the students themselves.

Where Is It Coming From? will be released on Tuesday, November 4 and is available for preorder online exclusively at Literati Bookstore. Following its release, the book can be purchased in Ann Arbor at Liberty Street Robot Supply and Repair and Literati Bookstore’s Ann Arbor location. Source Booksellers will carry the book in Detroit. We deeply appreciate the support of such committed booksellers.

Dave will return to Detroit on November 4 to offer the keynote address and moderate a community panel at the Van Dusen Leadership Forum on the campus of Wayne State University. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is highly encouraged. Click here to register. It’s the perfect place to get your copy of Where Is It Coming From? signed!

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