The Return of Too Many Exclamation Points!!!!

July 6, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Quickly, because there is much to be done:

1. Tomorrow night, at the downtown Ann Arbor District Library, join us from 7-8pm for the reception for our Art & Writing workshop. Students have spent the last several weeks working on pieces of writing inspired by art from the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Cookies, juice, art, and student readings. Great way to kick off your weekend!

1a. Stop by our booth at the Ann Arbor Art Fair and say hello! We’ll be selling books on sticks! We’ll be teaching workshops…on sticks! We’ll be tutoring students…on sticks! Sure, anyone can sell you a lawn ornament on a stick, but only 826 can sell you inspiration on a stick. (A metaphorical stick, of course.)

2. Join us Wednesday, July 26, from 5-9pm at Ashley’s Restaurant and Pub, 338 South State Street in downtown Ann Arbor. Bring your friends and family for dinner, present this voucher, and a percentage of your meal goes to 826! This is also a great way to meet the wonderful staff, volunteers, and students of 826michigan.

3. Used book drive! 826 has teamed up with Books by Chance, and if you donate your used books to us, we get a percentage of each book Books by Chance sells. Spreading literacy and bringing home the bacon? (Green, paper “bacon,” that is.) Does it get any better?

4. Horizonally, do you like to run? I don’t. In fact, I’m of the mindset that the only reason to run is if you’re being chased, and then it’s better to have a car, but I understand that some people really get into running. And it is with these very people in mind that we present the first 8.26 mile run. Run (or walk quickly, like me), and help make money for 826! Coming this fall! Stay tuned for details.

Hope you’re well and enjoying your summer! Over and out.

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