Things have gotten even more quiet since DK wrote our last blog. I didn’t
realize that the “what’s coming next” that DK alluded to was going to be
so…quiet. You see, we lost two of our MVPs on Friday: the magnificent and
radiant DK and her loveable, oft-partner-in-crime Erik. DK is very much
like a ray of sunshine, only not that hot, temperature-wise, and Erik is
very much like one of those things you throw into the water to save
someone from drowning.
(Do not misunderstand me. My life has been saved by both of them, no more
or less than the other. And don’t let me get too nostalgic: my life
continues to be saved by John and Andrew and Papa Steve.)
As I write this, I’m inclined to start sobbing. And then I’m reminded of
my reaction to DK’s tears over her last few days. Something to the effect
of: “No! We are not going to do that!” Once, I’m sorry to say, there was
a slamming door. I wasn’t really angry, just misguidedly sad.
Anyway, the point is, on behalf of everyone involved with 826michigan,
THANK YOU to Diana “DK” Kimball and Erik “E-Rock” Buehmann for all your
hard work this summer. Without you, this place would not be the adorable
monster that it is. Sure, there would still be plastic babies everywhere,
but there would be no intern dungeon, and no deep-seated love of hair
You can’t take credit for the giraffecats, though.
The screen’s getting hard to read now, so I should probably go. (No! I am
not going to do that!…slam.)
Much love, group hugs, kisses, and loving glances,
Amy, working in a very quiet, very empty office
P.S. Oh yeah…tutor training September 21, time tba. Drop-in tutoring
starts September 19. Fall workshop schedule will be up later this week.