Volunteers of the Month: Appendix One

February 3, 2009 | 826 Blog Post

In case we didn’t fully convince you of how awesome Sam, Katie, and Lauren are, we’ll let the Ypsilanti High School students they have been working with speak for themselves:

Nevada Nussbaum: They’re really helping me understand how to make my writing better.

Nick Brown: Katie is very nice! She is shy but also outgoing. She really helps you when you need it. Sam–he’s cool. He seems to know where we’re coming from.

Marcus Johnson: Sam is a real cool person! He really knows how to help someone fix their writing.

Eric Spalding: They’re the best!

Tyesha Washington: I love Sam! He’s smart. I’ve worked with both Sam and Lauren and they’re great.

Shayna Murphy: Katie is sweet and nice and helpful.

James Simmons: Lauren’s straight! She helped me a lot.  She told me where to add more details and that really helped.

Trudy Adams, the teacher: These volunteers have been amazing! They have been here every single day they said they would! Their commitment is total and their enthusiasm is contagious. The kids were reluctant to open up at first, but Katie and Lauren and Sam have won them over. Both classes have adopted them as our own!

Thanks again, Sam, Katie, and Lauren. We didn’t need any convincing, of course, but it was nice to hear it anyway!

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