Want to be a Published Writer? Final Call for Submissions!

December 19, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

Last year, over eighty area students were published in Vacansopapurosophobia: Fear of a Blank Page, the literary journal we put out with the Neutral Zone. This year, V2 (Forgive me, I can’t bring myself to type it out again. You don’t know how often I have to type that word. You don’t know what it’s like.) is shaping up to be even bigger.

The deadline for submissions is this Friday, December 22.

Here’s how it works: If you are between the ages of six and eighteen, send your submission (no longer than 4000 words, please) to v@826michigan.org. Make sure your name, age, school, address, phone number, and email address are on your submission. We accept submissions in any genre. Our high school editorial board will meet weekly over the next five months to determine the content, and the Neutral Zone will host a release party on May 21st. Writers can expect to hear back about their submissions late in the spring.

We look forward to reading your work!

Vah-can-so-pay-per-oh-so-foe-bia. It’s actually not that hard to pronounce.

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