Workshops for Parents!

June 9, 2006 | 826 Blog Post

After listening to accusation after accusation that we’re ageist,
826michigan has decided to try out Parent Workshops! And, yes,
they’re totally free!

Next Tuesday, June 13, at 4:00: Mindworks Learning develops fun and
efficient learning programs that improve memory, attention, problem
solving and reading. They also share their expertise through voluntary
presentations on a number of topics, including ADHD, helping children
read, solutions for learning disabilities and modern-day learning
through computer gaming. To sign up for this workshop, e-mail Amy.

Monday, June 19, from 5:30-7:30: This two-hour workshop is for parents
and caregivers who want to learn more about how to encourage their
student writers in grades K-12 at home. We’ll explore family
activities that promote writing as well as effective ways to respond
to children about their writing.

Both of these workshops will happen at 826michigan, 2245 S State
Street, in the State Technology Park. We are around back, and it
should be noted that as I type this, our building is being painted a
color I can only describe as dark-taupe-tannish-burnt-sienna. It
almost looks like it’s adobe.

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